Thursday, June 10, 2010

This was the street I live on! When We got off the train the entire street was blocked off by a mix of drunk people and police. People were singing and dancing in the middle of the street. Beer was flying everywhere. There were even mosh pits opening randomly in the middle of the street. People were standing on cars.

This is me right in the middle of the party. You cant tell but I am thoroughly soaked with beer and there is a mosh pit about five feet behind me.

These guys just cracked me so I took a picture, but they were a great example of the level of drunken partying going on.

The police tried to break up the party by driving through the center of the crowd... it wasn't very effective but I decided that was an opportune time to take my leave, as I was pretty sure there was about to be a riot. I woke up at 4:30 in the morning and could still hear people yelling and partying on the street.
I had a blast!

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