Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I started running to keep in shape and its killing me. In fact i am laying in bed trying to move as little as possible because of the pain. I had planned to run at night but after the storm blew over it was cool enough out that I decided to run. It was still a little scary out, the sky was a nice gold and green color. I'm not positive but I think this might have been a funnel cloud above this building.

The sky was absolutely beautiful so I had to stop when I got down by the lake to take some pictures even though all I had was my phone. Even though these pictures aren't that bad they still do not do justice to how amazing the sky was.

It was still storming out over the lake so I sat down for a few minutes and enjoyed the lightning show.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The cubs

Went to the Cubs game last night. After it was rain delayed for over an hour, it started off pretty boring. Then the cubs started screwing up and everything went downhill from there... the crowded stadium was pretty much empty by the time the 7th inning came around. I always thought baseball was pretty boring, but I've actually become a little bit of a baseball fan. It is just too much fun going and sitting in the stands.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Weekend and RIBFEST!!!

Well, I had to say good-bye to my friends from home today which stunk, it was nice to see them. A few friends came up and hung out with me in Chicago. They picked a great weekend to come; it was crosstown (white sox v. cubs) and blues festival and rib fest. Friday night we went to Giordano's which you can never go wrong going there. The pizza was absolutely amazing!
We decided to go out to the bars in Wrigleyville, which was really ridiculous because of the games at Wrigley Field. I had a lot of fun hanging out and dancing really long into the night. I woke up nice and early and made pancakes for everyone and then went and shot the wedding. It was a lot of fun!
Today I woke up and went to Uncommon Grounds with my friends. New favorite brunch place? I think so!
After having to say good-bye to them, I walked the mile or so to Lincoln and partook in the Ribfest celebration. I have to say that it was one of the best days ever. An entire festival based around ribs... aka heaven. The best ribs I would say were Tores so I suggest going to get them!
While I thought the rain might put a damper on the day, everyone was fine with it. I got soaked by it but that did not stop me from devouring mass quantities of meat.. delicious meat!
My legs started to ache eventually though, so we decided to go into a bar and sit down. I got invited to play darts with this group of people. Who knew all the years of playing darts would pay off, I won 4 straight games and made a lot of older guys mad that I was pretty good at darts.
We left there and went and watched a friends boyfriend's band play at another bar on the street. They were awesome, and I really had a good time watching them play.
Eric and I had to hoof it home (the entire mile) in pouring down rain. I had forgot to use 3 of my tickets so on our way out one of the booths was tearing down. I walked up and asked if they had any extra ribs... they told me they could only give them to people working... I told them I had 3 tickets left.... So they gave me 2 full slabs of ribs for 3 tickets! It made the walk home much more fun.
It was over all an awesome weekend and an awesome weekend!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

This was the street I live on! When We got off the train the entire street was blocked off by a mix of drunk people and police. People were singing and dancing in the middle of the street. Beer was flying everywhere. There were even mosh pits opening randomly in the middle of the street. People were standing on cars.

This is me right in the middle of the party. You cant tell but I am thoroughly soaked with beer and there is a mosh pit about five feet behind me.

These guys just cracked me so I took a picture, but they were a great example of the level of drunken partying going on.

The police tried to break up the party by driving through the center of the crowd... it wasn't very effective but I decided that was an opportune time to take my leave, as I was pretty sure there was about to be a riot. I woke up at 4:30 in the morning and could still hear people yelling and partying on the street.
I had a blast!


So I went to Hi-Tops bar with my roommate Eric to watch the 6th game of the Stanley cup finals. Chicago v. Philly, it was an awesome game and the bar was absolutely insane. I got there nice and early to make sure we could get a table and its a good thing I did.

We sat at the back of the bar, and this was the view of the room pack ed with tons of people. People were getting pretty crazy during the game. I'm pretty sure people were standing on tables by the time the game hit OT and this was only the beginning.

The real party started when Chicago was presented with the cup. I mean people went crazy on that last goal but after that I think the entire city of Chicago went wild. I know everyone in the bar went crazy. Everyone in the bar poured into the streets.

So I had to follow the crowd out into the street. The few cars that were managing to move through the entire crowd had drunken Chicago fans hanging out the windows or even riding on top of the car. Lines of people gave high-fives all up and down the street. It was really loud and a lot of fun!

Even the train on the way back to our street was insane. Groups of people were singing and jumping up in down, I really think you could feel the train swaying back and forth. It was awesome.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Getting ready for the weekend

I worked all day today, it was kind of a long day, but I did get to post stuff from the wedding I helped shoot last Friday. Go to to check out Jovana and Nicks wedding. Went to a new restaurant for lunch again today and it was another delicious place to eat, though at the moment I cannot remember the name.
After work, my roommate and I grilled out in the parking lot behind our place and enjoyed the nice cool night. It was about the perfect temperature tonight, slightly on the cool side but perfect while sitting next to the grill.
I went downtown last night to watch the hawks game, but ended up coming back early. I had to go down to one of the close by bars to watch the end of the game. It was disappointing that they lost but hopefully they will win the next two. It would be awesome to have the Stanley cup won here in Chicago.
The picture is from my phone so you will have to excuse the low quality, but it was a cool street down by the bar I went to to watch the game.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Another Day

Well, it was another day in the city. I got to edit a ton of pictures and had fun with despite being really tired all day. I had Jubilee for lunch, and holy shit! It was really good but I didn't expect the burgers to be that big.
It is storming again tonight, but I like it, as long as it quits tomorrow. I have stuff that I need to get done that involves me walking around a little bit. I am pretty sure I don't have an umbrella so it would really suck to have to go walk around in the rain.
I was bored again tonight so I decided to play around with my camera. I was inspired by the storm to do some painting with light, it was fun but I lost track of time. It's now almost 4 in the morning, glad I don't have to get up early. Here is my favorite from all that playing around. You will probably get to see more of these later.